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  Polish Ports - Стэпница


53°39' N

14°38' E

moving vessels


Quays of the Port of Police

Quay's nameTotal length [m]Station along quay [m]Max. draft [m]
Northern165no exploitation
Southern146.5from W:

Port of Stepnica ("Muflon 09")

  • Southern Quay

    Handling bulk cargoes (grain, aggregate and sugar) and pallets (scrap metal, bricks and sugar); cranage: mobile cranes with a 2 to 8 t lifting capacity; loading rates:

    • pallets: 900 tonnes a day
    • grain, big bags: 1,200 tonnes a day
    • aggregate: 2,100 tonnes a day
    • storage: warehouses with a total of 15,000 m2 capacity for 15,000 t of cargo, open storage yards of 7,500 m2.
  • Czolowe Quay
    Provides lay-by berth.


Tonnage, quay and passenger dues are establish by Stepnica Commune.

Towage and boatmen services

The present tariff is used by ZUZ - Zaklad Uslug Zeglugowych Spolka z o.o., operating in within the area of Port Szczecin-Swinoujscie and Police


§ 1 Tariff's application

  1. The present tariff is used by ZUZ - Zaklad Uslug Zeglugowych Spolka z o.o., operating in within the area of Port Szczecin-Swinoujscie, here in after called "ZUZ" and performing services listed in present tariff.
  2. In the port operates the second towing company - Fairplay Towage Ltd. which offers the same tariff as "ZUZ".
  3. The charges included in the tariff are obligatory, unless the parties have otherwise agreed.

§ 2 Accounts

  1. The tariff rates are expressed in Tariff Units (T.U.). The equivalent of 1 Tariff Unit is 0.30 EUR.
  2. The conversion of rates into currency of payment is done in accordance with the current average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland from the date the service is fulfilled, unless the parties have otherwise agreed.
  3. To the payments arising from this tariff, the currency and financial rulings of Poland are obligatory.
  4. The Hirer shall bear all costs of any actions connected with the services performed in respect with the ordinance of the authorities.
  5. Any charges expressed in percentage are to be collected from the basic charges.
  6. Invoices are to be issued in one original and three copies, except the cases mentioned in §2 Item 4.
  7. The tonnage dues, towage and boatmen charges are levied on gross capacity of the vessel (V = volume), arising from the product of her total length (L), breadth (B) and draught (D) as per summer mark, but for the purpose of calculation of charges, the total capacity V of the vessel is rounded up to the full cbm. In case of a dispute, the figures contained within the Lloyd's Register of Shipping are obligatory.

§ 3 Ordering services

  1. ZUZ performs it's services on the basis of written order.
  2. The Hirer concluding agreement for service under the present tariff, is obligated to submit to all rulings of the tariff.
  3. The order, has to be placed 4 hours prior to the expected commencement of service.

§ 4 Liability of the parties

  1. Liability of the service provider, resulting from the services listed in the tariff, is determined by the rulings of the tariff and the obligatory regulations, and in cases not regulated - regulations of the Polish law.
  2. Any damage shall be claimed immediately, not later than 24 hours after fulfillment of the service.
  3. ZUZ is not responsible for:
    • any damage and/or loss caused by natural disasters or any other higher force, or caused by strikes of the port's workers and/or other contractor's workers.
    • any financial results of the ordinance or actions of the authorities.
  4. The Hirer is responsible for the correctness of the data, included in order, and especially for any damage resulting from incorrectness or incompleteness of the data placed in documents or passed on in any other way, and also for any damage caused by the hirer's workers or persons authorized by him.

§ 5 Other rulings

  1. Sending any dispute to court or arbitration shall occur after exhausting all other alternatives.


Charges for each hour commenced

§ 6 Pilot vessels, motor-boats and tugs

From HPup to HPT.U.
over 2500 HP for every further 100 HP85.00

§ 7 Floating crane

Charges for each half hour commenced

Hoisting capacity NameTariff Units
16 TONSDP - 1450.00
200 TONSDP - 31,050.00


§ 8 Charges for towing and boatmen services

  1. For towing and boatmen services charges from the Basic charges scale expressed in Tariff Units, presented in Item 3.
  2. Charges given in column "A" and "B" refer to:
    column "A" - towage or assistance per tug, on the routes listed in §9;
    column "B" - mooring and unmooring the vessel.
  3. Basic charges scale:
x 1000 m3
0 - 2400100
2 - 3500150
3 - 4600175
4 - 5700200
5 - 6750250
6 - 7850275
7 - 81050300
8 - 91250350
9 - 101450375
10 - 111600400
11 - 121750425
12 - 131850450
13 - 141950500
14 - 152050550
15 - 162150600
16 - 172250650
17 - 182300700
18 - 192400750
19 - 202450800
20 - 222550850
22 - 242700900
24 - 262800950
26 - 2829001000
28 - 3030001050
30 - 3231001100
32 - 3432001150
34 - 3633001200
36 - 3834001250
38 - 4035001350
40 - 4236001450
42 - 4438001550
44 - 4640001650
46 - 4842001750
48 - 5044001850
50 - 5246002000
52 - 5448002100
54 - 5650002200
56 - 5852002300
58 - 6054002400
60 - 6256002500
62 - 6458002600
64 - 6660002800
66 - 6862002900
68 - 7064003000
70 - 7566003100
75 - 8068003200
80 - 8570003300
85 - 9072003400
90 - 9574003500
95 - 10076003600
100 - 11080003750
110 - 12083003900
120 - 13086004050
130 - 14089004200
140 - 15092004350
150 - 16095004500
160 - 17098004650
170 - 180101004800
180 - 190104005000
190 - 200107005200
200 - 250110005400
250 - 300113005600
300 - 350116005800
350 - 400119006000
400 - over120006200

§ 9 Towing services - detailed rulings

  1. The rates in column "A" of the Basic charges scale included in §8 Item 3, apply to the towage or assistance performed by 1 tug on the following routes:
    • Roads - Port of Swinoujscie (from the Anchorage No 1 or No 2), or vice versa;
    • from the Anchorage No 3 on the roads Swinoujscie to the Anchorage No 1 or No 2, or vice versa;
    • from the Port of Swinoujscie to the fairway towards Szczecin to the Gate 1 or vice versa;
    • from the Port of Swinoujscie to the Beacon Radun Dolna, or vice versa;
    • from the Port of Swinoujscie to the Polish - German border, on the Firth of Szczecin, or vice versa.
  2. For the towage or assistance performed by 1 tug on the following routes, charges from the column "A" are being levied with the appropriate surcharge:
    • On the route, limited by the port regulations (and running fully through the aquatorium situated southwards from the Nabrzeze KRA), when entering the Port of Szczecin, or vice versa, plus 30%
    • On the route from the Sea Port of Police to the Port of Szczecin, or vice versa, including maneuvers when entering and leaving both ports, plus 100%
    • On the following routes:
      • from Port Swinoujscie to the limit of the port of Szczecin (Nabrzeze KRA), or vice versa, plus 100%
      • from the Port of Szczecin to the Police observation point, or vice versa, plus 50%
      • from the limits of the Port of Szczecin (Nabrzeze KRA) to the Polish - German border, on the Firth of Szczecin, or vice versa, plus 100%
      • from Beacon Radun Dolna to the Sea Port of Police, or vice versa, plus 50%
  3. To the charges included in the column "A", after applying the appropriate surcharges included in item 2, the following reductions are to be applied:
    • for tourist vessels 20%
    • for regular line vessels, registered in the port 10%
    • for tramp vessels, commencing the 11th call within the calendar year to the port, which is invoicing the towing services 10%
  4. The charges from the column "A" apply also in following cases:
    • for towage of the vessel within the limits of the same quay, or in the same dock, with reduction of 50 %,
    • for towage of the vessels from one dock to another full charge from column "A",
    • if the order for a tug has been canceled 2 hours prior the sending it to the maneuvers, no charge are to be collected; after that time 50 % of the charge,
    • for interrupted and discontinued towage or assistance 50 % of the charge,
    • for the tug's waiting - time exceeding 30 minutes and due to vessel's fault, for each commenced 1 hour of waiting - time 25 % of the charge,
    • for booming a vessel at the same quay 50 % of the charge,
    • for towage or shifting of a vessel, not using it's own engines the charge is being collected with the surcharge of 50 % after applying the other appropriate surcharges listed in the Item 2 and 3 of the present paragraph,
    • the surcharge mentioned in item 7) does not apply in case of pushing the vessel to the quay, which was previously moored alongside to another vessel standing at the quay,
    • for the towage or shifting of vessels during periods of ice, the charge is being collected with a surcharge of 20 % but in cases included in detailed rulings, after applying the other appropriate surcharges listed in Item 2 and 3 of the present paragraph.

§ 10 Boatmen services - detailed rulings

  1. The rates in column "B" of the Basic charges scale included in §8 Item 3 apply for mooring or unmooring of the vessel.
  2. To the charges in column "B" following reductions are to be applied:
    • for tourist vessels 20%
    • for regular line vessels, registered in the port 10%
    • for tramp vessels, commencing the 11th call within the calendar year to the port, which is invoicing the boatmen services 10%
  3. For the waiting-time of linesmen ordered, if lasting more than 1 hour and due to vessel's fault, for every further 1 hour 25 % of the charge from column "B" is collected.
  4. For canceling ordered boatmen service, after boatmen's arrival at the place of service the charge as for waiting-time mentioned in Item 3 applies.

§ 11 Additional charges

  1. For services included in this tariff, performed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, additional surcharges are to be applied as follows:
    • Saturdays 30 %
    • Sundays and holidays, solemn holidays excluded 40 %
    • Solemn holidays 60 %
  2. The solemn holidays are:
    The New Year,
    The First Day of Easter,
    The 3rd of May,
    The Christmas Eve from 14.00,
    The 25th of December,
    31st of December from 14.00.
  3. The surcharge for work performed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are to be applied only in cases where at least 50% of the service has been performed during these days regarding, that these days are counted from the time of commencement of the first working shift, which is 22.00 of the day prior the work-free day.

The tariff becomes valid from the 1st of July 2003.


The charges for pilotage services are quoted according to the Tariff for Pilotage Services in the Ports of Szczecin, Swinoujscie, Trzebiez, Stepnica and Police issued by the "SZCZECIN PILOT" Co. and valid from August 1st, 2008.

  • Pilot fees are levied against the volume of the ship or towing train using the following formula:

V = L x B x T

V - volume of the ship or towing train expressed in cubic meters,
L - maximum length of ship or towing train expressed in meters and centimeters,
B - extreme breadth of ship or towing train expressed in meters and centimeters,
T - summer draught of ship or towing train, up to the summer load-line, expressed in meters and centimeters

A table of basic rates

Ship's volume interval (m3)A
0 - 20000100 EUR + 0.24 EUR for each 10m3300 EUR + 0.48 EUR for each 10m3
20000 -75000580 EUR + 0.17 EUR for each 10m3 over 20000 m31260 EUR + 0.34 EUR for each 10m3 over 20000 m3
75001 - 1500001515 EUR + 0.10 EUR for each 10m3 over 75000 m33130 EUR + 0.20 EUR for each 10m3 over 75000 m3

  • Fees in the table refer to:
    Column A
    1. pilotage of vessels inwards or outwards from/to the road of the port Swinoujscie,
    2. towage of vessels in Szczecin, Swinoujscie, Trzebiez, Stepnica and Police.
    Column B
    1. pilotage of vessels inwards or outwards from to the road or the port Swinoujscie to/from the port of Szczecin, Police, Trzebiez, Stepnica.
  • For pilot's assistance on vessels without determined tonnage the fees are levied according to agreement, but in amount are not less than 50 EUR for each commenced 30 minutes of the pilot's work.
  • For waiting time of the ordered pilot, lasting over 30 minutes, a fee of 50 EURO is levied for each commenced 30 minutes. For waiting time of the ordered pilot at the pilot station in Swinoujscie, lasting over 2 hours, a fee of 100 EURO is levied for each commenced 60 minutes.
  • If pilot's service is cancelled later than 60 minutes before the ordered time,a lump sum fee of 100 EURO is levied. For vessels entering from the road the above mentioned fee is levied if the service is cancelled later that 4 hours before the ordered time.
  • Tourist vessels have 50% reduction on pilotage fees.
  • For pilotage of vessels without operational engine or rudder, the fee from appropriate Column is levied with a surcharge of 50%.
  • For vessels of overall length more than 140 m entering or departing the port of Szczecin and for vessels of overall length more than 160 m entering or departing the port of Police that according to the Port Regulations are obliged to take a port pilot an additional fee of 300 EUR is levied for the change of pilot.
  • For vessels mooring in Swinoujscie, that according to the Port Regulations require a port pilot, an additional fee of 300 EUR is levied for the change of route pilot to port pilot. Vessels up to 2000 GT moored in the Maritime Repair Shipyard and Shipyard Odra Port have 50% reduction so the fee for them is 150 EUR.
  • For pilot services rendered in the shipyard area the fee is levied from Column A+50%:
    1. for vessels of overall length entering or leaving the shipyard the fee is levied from Columns A or B + 10%.
    2. for towage of vessels from the shipyard to the port quay and otherwise a fee is levied from Column A + 10%.
  • For docking or undocking the fee is levied from Column A +100%.
  • For pilotage of vessels entering or departing from the port of Szczecin and the port Police of overall length from 180 to 200 m, permitted for traffic at night time, a fee is levied from Column B+10%.
  • For boarding of the pilot from the tug boat in ice conditions, an additional fee is levied of 20% of the applicable fee from Column A or B.
  • The fee for employment of pilot boats is 150 EUR for each commenced hour.
  • In the case of a pilot staying on board the vessel more than 10 hours from the moment of his embarkation, an additional fee of 30 EUR is levied for each commenced hour.
  • Liner Sea Going Vessels have the following reduction on pilotage fees:
    • Not less than 2 calls per month - 20%
    • 1 call per week - 25%
    • 2 calls per week - 30%
    • 3 and more calls per week - 40%.
  • For vessels, beginning from the 11th call in each calendar year, a reduction of 20% may be granted upon application of the agent or shipowner to the Board of Szczecin Pilot Ltd.
    1. for towing or towed units reduction of 30% may be granted, beginning of the first call in the year, except towing or towed units.
    2. barge units and other floating objects towed or on soft tow are deemed as without engine and for pilot service rendered to them, a fee with surcharge of 50% is levied.
  • Tariffs for vessels inwards or outwards to/from the port of Swinoujscie from road/to no 3 (buoy N-2) are increased by 50%.
    1. For piloting inwards or outwards and towing of vessels of overall length more than 250m in Swinoujscie and 215 m in Szczecin and Police the fee is levied from Column A or B +10%.
  • Fees for additional pilotage at Zalew Szczecinski up to and from the German border are to be calculated according to column B plus a fixed fee of 200 EUR for employment of the pilot boat.
  • Fees for launching a vessel from a shipyard's slip are calculated according to Column A + 100%

Agency service

Prices are given according to the "Agency Fees in Polish sea ports" of the Polish Shipbrokers' Association, valid from July 2008.

  • The scale of agency fees, adopted by the Association, based on vessel's summer maximum loadline dead-weight and expressed in PLN covering clearance, port operation and ship's husbandry, is to be regarded as the recommended minimum rate level to be charged by the Agents.
  • Owners, respectively Operators, shall place the Agents in funds, covering the estimated disbursements, in advance, but latest on vessel's arrival. For late remittance of funds Owners will be charged an interest of 5% per month or pro rata.
  • Agents are not responsible for currency exchange losses on any sums held for the account of the Owners or which they have to receive or pay.
  • The agency fees do not include any percentages, petties, bank charges, fares, deliveries of cash to Master or parcels, advertising, travelling, etc. which will be charged separately.
  • Should Owners require the Agents to undertake full processing and settlement of claims, the Agents are entitled to a separate remuneration as mutually agreed.
  • Vessels discharging and loading bulk or liquid cargo of one grade will be charged a basic fee separately for each of these operations.
  • Vessels arriving with inward cargo and sailing in ballast, or vessels arriving in ballast and sailing with outward cargo shall have a basic fee applied only once.

Basic agency fees

up to
up to
Over 100,000 DWTAT for each further commenced 10,000 DWTAT - PLN 1000


The following surcharges are to be added:

  • vessels carrying cargo in bales, bags, packages, containers, boxes or pallets, otherwise unitized, also forest and steel products: 10%
  • vessels carrying mixed cargo of two or more distinctly different commodities, liquid, bulk, unitized, vehicles: 20%
  • gas tankers (cbm tank capacity substitutes DWAT on the basic fee scale; surcharge applied on cubic metre tank capacity):
    • up to 10,000 m3 cargo capacity: 30%
    • over 10,000 m3 cargo capacity: 20%
  • pure car carriers: 20%
  • reefer vessels: 20%
  • ro-ro vessels: 20%
  • vessels cleared on roads:10%
  • attendance to crew members/persons:
    • joining or leaving the vessel (per person): PLN 80.00
    • those hospitalised or requiring medical care, left behind (per person per week): PLN 200.00


The following reductions are to be subtracted:

  • vessels entering the port for replenishing bunkers, water, provisions, seeking shelter in case of adverse weather or damage: 50%
  • vessels entering the port to seek medical assistance: 25%
  • vessels entering the port or shipyard for repairs or dry docking: 75%
    but increased by the fee of PLN 80.00 per day.
  • newbuildings leaving the shipyard: 75 %
  • arranging delivery/redelivery on or off the Time Charter: 35%
  • attending as a supervisor or owner's protecting agent when vessel is consigned to and handled by another company acting as Charterer's Agents: 50%

Liner agencies

  • Freight commissions cover announcing sailings, tariff information, marketing and sales, issuing freight documents, collecting and remitting freights, etc. It amounts to:
    1. outward cargo:
      • canvassed and booked: 5%
      • handled but booked elsewhere: 2.5%
    2. inward cargo:
      • canvassed and booked: 2.5%
      • handled but booked elsewhere: 1.5%
      • collection fee on freight for cargo on which no commission has been earned: 1%
  • Should for any reason the required details not be disclosed or are not available, the agents are entitled to charge a commission of PLN 2.00 per ton inwards and PLN 4.00 outwards.
  • Containers and ISO equipment logistic fee (unit handled, controlled, monitored and reported by the agent) per unit PLN 100.00
  • The charges are applicable also in the case of incidental calls of liner vessels, loading or discharging general or containerised cargo, in the absence of a concluded Agency Agreement.

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