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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
d  d1  da  db  dc  dd  de  df  dg  dh  di  dk  dl    dm  dn  do  dp  dr  ds  du  dw  dy  dz  
dia  dic  did  die  dif  dig  dik  dil  dim  din  dio  dip  dir  dis  dit  diu  div  

1-150 z 151 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "dis"
1. dis., disch., dischge76. displacement scale
2. disabled77. displacement sheet
3. disassemble78. displacement speed
4. disaster79. displacement ton
5. disbonding80. displacement tonnage
6. disbursement clause81. displacement vessel
7. disbursement insurance82. displacement wake
8. disbursement's commission83. displacement-length ratio
9. disbursements84. displacer level gauge
10. disbursements account85. display
11. disbursements warranty86. display data
12. disc87. display screen
13. discard88. display tube
14. discharge89. display unit
15. discharge afloat90. disposal clause
16. discharge aground91. disposition axis
17. discharge book92. disposition report
18. discharge current93. disrate
19. discharge horn94. disrepair
20. discharge pipe95. dissipation
21. discharger96. dissolved gases
22. discharging97. distance control
23. discharging berth98. distance endurance
24. discharging hatch99. distance freight
25. discharging nozzle100. distance indicator
26. discharging rate101. distance line
27. discharging scale102. distance made good
28. discharging wharf103. distance made good to wind war
29. discharging/loading gang104. distance marks
30. discoloration105. distance meter
31. discoloured water106. distance of visible horizon
32. disconnect107. distance off track
33. disconnectable net108. distance recorder
34. disconnected109. distance signal code
35. discontinuity110. distance triangle
36. discontinuous fiber111. distant
37. discount112. distant aircraft screen
38. discrepancy113. distant control gear
39. discrimination114. distant signals
40. discriminator115. distant-water fishing
41. discsanding116. distant-water trawler
42. disembark117. distillate
43. disembarkation118. Distillation
44. disengaging gear119. distillation curve
45. dish120. distillation unit
46. dished121. distiller
47. dished plate122. distiller unit
48. disincrustant123. distilling plant
49. disinfect124. distilling ship
50. disinfectant125. distinctive lace
51. disinfection126. distinctive painting
52. disinfestation127. distortion
53. disk128. distress
54. disk area of the screw129. distress call
55. disk area ratio130. distress cargo
56. disk drive131. distress flag
57. disk element of the screw132. distress freight
58. disk sheave133. distress frequency
59. dismantle134. distress gun
60. dismasted135. distress incident
61. dismount136. distress light
62. dispatch137. distress message
63. dispatch clause138. distress position
64. dispatch money139. distress procedure
65. dispatching forwarder140. distress rate
66. dispersant141. distress signal
67. dispersion142. distributing medium
68. disphotic143. distribution
69. displacement144. distribution board
70. displacement coefficient145. Distribution License
71. displacement coil146. distribution manifold
72. displacement craft147. distribution valve
73. displacement curve148. distributor
74. displacement length149. distributors
75. displacement sailboard150. district patrol vessel

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