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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
d  d1  da  db  dc  dd  de  df  dg  dh  di  dk  dl    dm  dn  do  dp  dr  ds  du  dw  dy  dz  
dia  dic  did  die  dif  dig  dik  dil  dim  din  dio  dip  dir  dis  dit  diu  div  

1-53 z 53 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "dir"
1. direct28. direction of flow
2. direct approach29. Direction of rotation of a propeller
3. direct bill of lading30. direction of trade
4. direct call31. directional
5. direct connected steering gear32. directional antenna
6. direct coupling33. directional error
7. direct course34. directional radio beacon
8. direct current35. directional stability
9. direct current link36. directional whistle
10. direct current motor37. directionally stable
11. direct drive38. directive force
12. direct fire39. director
13. direct port40. director angle
14. direct printing41. director tower
15. direct roving42. dirk
16. direct ship43. dirt money
17. direct shipment44. dirt trap
18. direct tide45. dirty ballast
19. Direct Water Injection46. dirty cargo
20. direct-coupled47. dirty money
21. direct-line production48. dirty oils (black oils)
22. Direct-printing telegraphy49. dirty petroleum products
23. directing force50. dirty ship
24. direction51. dirty tanker
25. direction (indicating) light52. dirty trade
26. direction and revolution indic53. dirty weather
27. direction finder

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