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o  oa  ob  oc  od  oe  of  og  oh  oi  oj  ok  ol  om  on  oo  op  or  os  ot  ou  ov  ow  ox  oy  oz  

1-150 z 642 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "o"
1. O76. ocean tug
2. o'wise77. ocean-going ship
3. O.K. Dinghy78. ocean-going vessel
4. O.O.W.79. oceanic
5. O.S.80. oceanic basin
6. oak81. oceanic circulation
7. oakum82. oceanic climate
8. oar83. Oceanic Common Water
9. oar blade84. oceanographic research ship
10. oarfish85. oceanographic station
11. oarlock86. oceanographic survey ship
12. oarlock block87. oceanography
13. oars!88. oceanology
14. oarsman89. OCIMF
15. OB90. octane
16. OB carrier91. octant
17. OBC92. octopi
18. object glass93. octopus
19. oblate spheroid94. OCW
20. oblique sea95. ODAS
21. obliquity96. odbijacz
22. obliquity factor97. odbojnica
23. obliquity of the ecliptic98. oddments
24. obło99. odograph
25. obło łagodne100. odorous cargo
26. obło ostre101. odstęp elementów zładu
27. OBO102. odstęp wręgowy
28. Obs.103. Oertz rudder
29. obscuration104. off and on
30. obscured105. off duty
31. obscured area106. off hire clause
32. observability107. off soundings
33. observation108. off switch
34. observation and diving chamber109. off the beam
35. observation bell110. off the wind
36. observation bridge111. off-centered display
37. observation chamber112. off-centre
38. observation spot113. off-centre plan display
39. observation tank114. off-gauge cargo
40. observed altitude115. off-hire time/period
41. observer's error116. off-line data processing
42. observer's horizon117. off-line system
43. Observer's Singlehanded Racing118. off-load
44. Observer's Singlehanded Transatlantic Race119. off-lying dangers
45. obstacle120. off-shore fisheries
46. obstruction121. off-shore terminal
47. obstruction light122. off-shore terrace
48. Oc. B/L123. off-size
49. occasional survey124. off-station
50. occlude125. off-survey
51. occluded depression126. off-survey report
52. occluded front127. offal
53. occlusion128. offal bunker
54. occultation129. offal hatch
55. occulting light130. offal hooper
56. occulting quick flashing light131. offensive mine-field
57. occupational disease132. offer firm
58. occupational hygiene133. officer
59. ocean134. officer of the watch
60. ocean bill of lading135. officer on watch
61. ocean bonito136. officers' quarters
62. ocean chart137. official log-book
63. ocean current138. official number
64. ocean data acquisition system139. offing
65. ocean floor140. offset sheet
66. ocean going141. offset, off-set
67. ocean going navigation142. offsets
68. ocean lane143. offsetting of claims
69. ocean minesweeper144. offshore
70. ocean perch145. offshore bar
71. ocean racing146. offshore countermeasures
72. ocean rescue147. offshore drilling
73. ocean sunfish148. offshore floating dock
74. ocean swell149. offshore installation
75. ocean thermal energy conversion150. offshore patrol craft

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