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v  va  vb  vc  vd  ve  vf  vg  vh  vi  vl  vm  vo  vr  vs  vt  vu  

1-150 z 265 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "v"
1. V76. variation
2. V-belt77. variation needle
3. V-bottom boat78. variometer
4. V-bottom vessel79. vast floe
5. V-shaped depression80. vast!
6. V-shaped frame81. VCO
7. V-type hoop foil82. VDS
8. V.D. ring83. vector
9. V.D. trawl84. vedette (boat)
10. V.F.85. veer
11. V.L.C.C.86. veer aft
12. V/L Ratio87. veer and haul
13. vaccination88. veer away
14. vaccine89. vegetable fibre
15. vacuum90. vegoil
16. vacuum bag molding91. vehicle cargo ship
17. vacuum bottoms92. vehicle carrier
18. Vacuum cleaners93. vehicle deck
19. vacuum cooling94. velocity
20. vacuum distillation95. velocity of encounter
21. vacuum fan96. velocity of translation
22. vacuum flasher97. velocity triangle
23. vacuum gasoil98. vendace
24. vacuum gauge99. vendavales
25. vacuum injection molding100. vent
26. vacuum pack101. vent cock
27. vacuum pressure102. vent hole
28. vacuum pump103. vent line
29. Vacuum toilets104. vent pipe
30. vacuum tube105. ventilated insulation
31. vacuum unit106. ventilated propeller
32. vacuum valve107. ventilating fan
33. vale108. ventilating trunk
34. Validated Export License109. ventilating well
35. valley110. ventilation
36. valuable cargo111. ventilation duet
37. valuation clause112. ventilation system
38. value113. ventilator
39. Value for Customs Purposes Only114. ventilator coaming
40. valued policy115. ventilator cover
41. valve116. ventilator turning gear
42. Valve chests117. venting system
43. valve flap118. Venus
44. valve hand wheel119. verge ring
45. valve positioner120. verification of flag
46. valve spindle121. vernal equinox
47. valve spring122. vernier
48. valve wheel123. vertex
49. van(guard)124. vertical
50. vane125. vertical axis propeller
51. vane self-steering gear126. vertical boiler
52. vane wheels127. vertical centre of buoyancy
53. vane-screw propeller128. vertical circle
54. vang129. vertical clearance
55. vapor barrier130. vertical danger angle
56. vapor cock131. vertical datum plane at the midship section
57. vapor pressure132. vertical force instrument
58. vaporizer133. vertical line
59. Vapour134. vertical plate freezer
60. Vapour density135. vertical prismatic coefficient
61. Vapour emission control system136. vertical stabilizer
62. Vapour lock system137. vertical take-off/landing
63. vapour main138. vertical wall breakwater
64. vapour pipe139. vertically sliding bulkhead door
65. Vapour pressure140. vertically sliding watertight door
66. VARG141. vertrep
67. variable142. very close drift-ice
68. variable capacitor143. very close pack
69. variable pitch propeller144. very good visibility
70. variable pitch screw145. very high frequency
71. variable range marker146. very high sea
72. variable resistor147. Very large crude carrier (VLCC)
73. variable winds148. Very large crude carrier FRONT CENTURY
74. variables149. very large crude oil carrier
75. variables of Cancer and Capricorn150. very open pack-ice

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