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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
e  ea  eb  ec  ed  ee  ef  eg  eh  ei  ej  ek  el  em  en  ep  eq  er  es  et  eu  ev  ex  ey  

1-150 z 760 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "e"
1. E76. echo trail
2. E scope77. echo-ranging detection
3. E.C.A.78. echo-ranging equipment
4. E.D.79. echo-ranging operated acoustic torpedo
5. E.H.P., e.h.p.80. echometer
6. E.I.81. ECI
7. E.S.T.82. eclipse
8. ea83. ecliptic
9. eagle ray84. ECM
10. eagre85. ecology
11. earing86. economic zone
12. earing-cringle87. Economic Zones
13. earnest money88. economical speed
14. earplug89. economiser
15. earth90. ECUK
16. earth circuit91. eddy
17. earth orbit92. eddy resistance
18. earth return93. eddy water
19. earth-wire94. eddy wind
20. earthing95. eddy-making resistance
21. ease96. edge away
22. ease a line97. edge effect
23. ease away98. edge marker
24. ease down99. edge of the sail
25. ease her100. edge off
26. ease of steering101. edge protector
27. ease off102. edge scarf
28. ease the formalities103. edge to edge
29. ease the helm104. Edible oil tanker
30. east105. Edible oils
31. East Australian Current106. EDIFACT
32. east by north107. eeking
33. east by south108. eel
34. East Greenland Current109. eelgrass
35. east of...110. eelpout
36. East Wind Drift111. eels
37. east-northeast112. effect
38. east-southeast113. effect of jib on mainsail
39. east-west114. effective
40. eastbound115. effective angle of attack of blade element
41. easterly116. effective angle of incidence of rudder
42. easting117. effective camber
43. eastward118. effective for...
44. eastwardly119. effective horse power
45. eastwards120. effective horsepower
46. easy trimmer121. effective mean wake
47. easytrimming hold122. effective pitch
48. eat in123. effective slip
49. eat the wind out of a vessel124. effective sonar range
50. eat to windward125. effective wake
51. eat to windward of...126. effective wave height
52. ebb127. effective wave length
53. ebb anchor128. effective wave slope
54. ebb channel129. effectiveness
55. ebb stream130. efficient
56. ebb tide131. efficient deck hand
57. EBL132. efflciency
58. EBM133. effluent
59. EC directive on marine equipment (European Union Marine Equipment Directive)134. egg-laying area
60. eccentric135. EHF
61. eccentric error (in a sextant)136. eight
62. eccentric screen137. eight knot
63. eccentricity error (of the card)138. EIN
64. ECCP139. eis pilot
65. ECDIS140. Ejector
66. ECGB141. ejector (pump)
67. echelon142. Ekman spiral
68. echo box143. ekranoplan craft
69. echo box actuator144. El Nińo
70. echo contact145. elapsed time
71. echo depth well146. elastic quadrant
72. echo investigation147. elastomer
73. echo ranging148. elbow
74. echo sounder149. elbow in the hawse
75. echo sounding150. elbow-bending exercise

1 2 3 4 5 6
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