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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
a  aa  ab  ac  ad  ae  af  ag  ah  ai  ak  al  am  an  ao  ap  aq  ar  as  at  au  av  aw  ax  ay  az  
ala  alb  ald  ale  alg  ali  alk  all  alm  alo  alp  alt  alu  alw  

1-142 z 142 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "al"
1. alarm72. all-weather antisubmarine airplane
2. alarm (signal)73. all-welded
3. alarm bell74. alleyway
4. alarm buzzer75. allis shad
5. alarm channel76. allision
6. alarm device77. allocate
7. alarm hooter78. allocate call signal
8. alarm pressure79. allocation table
9. alarm switch80. allotment
10. alarm system81. allotment note
11. Alaska Current82. allowable exposure
12. Alaska pollack83. allowable height of vessel's centre of gravity
13. Alaska red salmon84. allowable load
14. albacore85. allowable radiation dose
15. albacore (boat)86. allowable stacking weight (load)
16. albakora87. allowable stress
17. albatross88. allowance
18. Albedo89. allowance for roughness
19. Aldis90. alloy
20. Aldis lamp91. alloy cast-iron
21. alee92. alloy steel
22. alert93. allure
23. Aleutan lows94. almacantar
24. alewife95. almanac
25. alga96. almicanther
26. algae97. almucantar
27. alginate98. aloft
28. algorithm99. along shore
29. algorithmic language100. alongships
30. alidade101. alongside
31. alight102. alongside date
32. alight on the sea103. alongside delivery
33. align104. aloof
34. aligning clip105. alow
35. alignment106. alow and aloft
36. alignment equipment107. alphanumeric
37. aline108. Alt. az. tables
38. aliphatic109. Alt. W&R
39. alist110. Alt., alt
40. alkali111. Alt.Gp.W&G
41. Alkyd112. altar (step)
42. alkylate113. altar course
43. alkylation unit114. alter
44. all (time) saved115. alteration
45. all aback forward116. alternate fastening
46. all aboard117. alternating and flashing light
47. all about118. alternating current
48. all clear119. Alternating current (AC)
49. all container ship120. alternating fixed and flashing light
50. all fast121. alternating fixed and group flashing light
51. all fours moorings122. alternating group flashing light
52. all hands123. alternating group occulting light
53. all hands high!124. alternating group white and green (2) light
54. all hands on deck!125. alternating group white and red light
55. all hard!126. alternating light
56. all in the wind127. alternating occulting light
57. all night in128. alternative current
58. all out!129. alternator
59. all purposes130. altitude
60. All Risk131. altitude azimuth tables
61. all shipshape and Bristol fashion132. altitude gauge
62. all standing133. Alto
63. all stop!134. alto-cumulus
64. all told135. alto-stratus
65. all-a-taunto136. Altostratus
66. all-in rate137. aluminium
67. all-metal138. aluminium alloys ship
68. all-purpose139. aluminum bronze
69. all-purpose container140. aluminum foil
70. all-round look141. aluminum paint
71. all-speed governor142. always afloat

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