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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
a  aa  ab  ac  ad  ae  af  ag  ah  ai  ak  al  am  an  ao  ap  aq  ar  as  at  au  av  aw  ax  ay  az  
ac  aca  acc  acd  ace  acg  ach  aci  ack  acl  acm  aco  acq  acr  act  acu  acv  

1-147 z 147 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "ac"
1. a-cock-bill75. acknowledge
2. a.c. generator76. acknowledgement
3. a.c. motor77. aclinic line
4. A.C., a.c., a-c78. acorn barnacles
5. A.C.-D.C. receiver79. acorn shells
6. A.C.M.R.R.80. acoustic absorption
7. a/c81. acoustic absorption coefficient
8. AC82. acoustic and pressure check range
9. acalephae83. acoustic clouds
10. acc.84. acoustic firing mechanism
11. acc. cop.85. acoustic fuse
12. acc.hrs86. acoustic homing
13. accelerated filtration87. acoustic homing torpedo
14. acceleration88. acoustic jamming
15. acceleration of moon89. acoustic mine
16. acceleration of wind90. acoustic pressure
17. accelerator91. acoustic radiator
18. accelerometer92. acoustic refuge
19. acceptable93. acoustic scattering
20. acceptable reliability level94. acoustic sounding
21. acceptance95. acoustic spectrum
22. acceptance inspection96. Acoustic speed log
23. acceptance procedure97. acoustic sweep
24. acceptance specifications98. acoustic transducer
25. acceptance test99. acquiescence signal
26. acceptance trials100. acquire
27. acces selector101. acquisition
28. acces shaft102. acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resins
29. access door103. act
30. access hatch104. act of God
31. access hole105. act of hostility
32. accessible106. act of man
33. accessories107. act of war
34. accident108. acting rank
35. accident boat109. acting temporary
36. accident of the sea110. actinometer
37. accidental error111. actinozoa
38. accidental gybe112. action
39. acclimatization113. action at law
40. accommodation114. action course
41. accommodation berth115. action information centre
42. accommodation for shipping116. action information system
43. accommodation ladder117. action station bill
44. accommodation plan118. action station!
45. Accommodation spaces119. action stations
46. accompany120. activate
47. according to the custom of the port121. activated anti-rolling tank
48. account122. activated fin
49. account of wages book123. activator
50. account period124. active communication satellite
51. Accountant Officer125. active homing torpedo
52. accretion126. active list
53. accrue127. active load
54. acct128. active propeller
55. accumulation129. active radar
56. accumulation of frost130. active rudder
57. accumulative hours131. active service
58. accumulator132. active sonar
59. accumulator battery133. active stabilization
60. accumulator plant134. Active-fin stabilisers
61. accuracy135. active-power meter
62. accuracy of measurement136. activity
63. accurate137. actual efficiency
64. acetylene138. actual specifications
65. acetylene generator139. actual total loss
66. acetylene lamp140. actuate
67. achromatic141. actuation range
68. acid142. actuator
69. acid pickle143. actuator disk propeller
70. Acid rain144. actuator for reversing
71. acid-resistant145. actuator for starting
72. acidimeter146. acute angle
73. ack-ack147. ACV
74. Acker's yacht code

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