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1-150 z 203 words started from: "sta"
1. STA76. standard charter party form
2. stabiliser77. standard chronometer
3. Stabiliser system78. standard code of practice
4. Stabilisers79. standard compass
5. Stability80. standard conditions
6. stability at large angles of heel81. standard displacement
7. stability data82. standard Dutch hull form
8. stability levers83. standard export quality
9. stability moment84. standard fire test
10. stability of form85. Standard loading conditions
11. stability of motion86. Standard manoeuvers
12. stability of weight87. Standard marine navigational vocabulary
13. stability test88. standard nautical mile
14. stabilization89. standard of quality
15. stabilize90. standard port
16. stabilized crude91. standard sample
17. stabilizer92. standard sheer
18. stabilizing fin93. standard shipyard
19. stable94. standard signal
20. stable equilibrium95. standard size plate
21. stack96. standard specification
22. stacking cone97. standard test
23. stacking on deck98. standard time
24. stacking weight99. standard wave
25. stacking yard100. standardization trials
26. staff101. standardized unit load
27. Staff Officer102. standards engineer
28. stage103. standards engineering
29. stage line104. standing backstage
30. stage of fall105. standing bevel
31. stage pin106. standing block
32. stage plank107. standing floe
33. stage pole108. standing gaff
34. stages of growth109. standing gaff topsail
35. staggers110. standing gear
36. staghorn111. standing jib
37. staging112. standing lift
38. staging bracket113. standing lights
39. stagnant114. standing line
40. stagnant water115. standing main
41. stagnation116. standing order
42. stagnation line117. standing part
43. stagnation point118. standing rigging
44. staid hand119. standing topping lift
45. stainless steel120. standing wave ratio
46. stainless steel rope121. standing ways
47. staith pirs122. standpipe
48. stake net123. standstill
49. stale Bill of Lading124. stangeon
50. stalked barnacles125. stapie fibre yarns
51. stamp duty126. staple fibre
52. stanch127. stapling
53. stanchion128. Star
54. stand129. star chart
55. stand a course130. star telescope
56. stand clear131. starboard
57. stand easy132. starboard gybe
58. stand for the offing133. starboard hand buoy
59. stand from under!134. starboard hand mark
60. stand in135. starboard light
61. stand of the tide136. starboard side
62. stand off and on137. starboard tack
63. stand on138. starboard the helm!
64. stand on vessel139. starboard watch
65. stand out140. starbow lines
66. stand to sea141. starfish
67. stand up142. starling
68. stand up to within 5 points143. starry flounder
69. stand well144. starry ray
70. stand-by pump145. start
71. stand-by station146. start a butt
72. stand-by!147. start a skip from a stump
73. standard148. starter three-legger
74. standard atmospheric pressure149. starting
75. standard barge150. starting air valve

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