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1-150 z 295 words started from: "sp"
1. s.p.d.76. specific torque
2. SP77. specific total resistance
3. Sp. Gr.78. specific volume
4. space capsule recovery ship79. specific wave-making resistance
5. space craft80. specification
6. space ship81. specimen
7. space wave82. speckled background
8. spacer83. speckled trout
9. spacing84. spectacle eye
10. spade rudder85. spectacle flange
11. span86. spectacle frame
12. span block87. spectacle plate
13. span chain88. speculating broker
14. span lashing89. speed
15. span moorings90. speed adjusting shaft
16. span of the rudder91. speed coefficient
17. span rope92. speed constant
18. span shackle93. speed drop
19. span tackle94. speed error
20. span winch95. speed governor
21. Spanish bream96. speed indicator
22. Spanish burton97. speed lash
23. Spanish fox98. speed latitude error
24. Spanish mackerel99. speed limiter
25. Spanish reef100. Speed logs
26. Spanish trawl101. speed loss
27. Spanish windlass102. speed made good
28. spanker103. speed made good to windward
29. spanking104. speed of advance
30. spanking breeze105. speed of wave
31. spanner106. speed table
32. spar107. speed trial
33. spar and boom gear108. speed-length ratio
34. spar buoy109. speedboat
35. spar ceiling110. speeder spring
36. spar deck111. spell
37. spar deck vessel112. spencer
38. spar fender113. spend
39. spar varnish114. spending beach
40. spare bunker115. spent
41. spare tank116. spent fish
42. spares117. spent fuel
43. Spark arrester118. sperm oil
44. spark capacitor119. sperm whale
45. sparks120. Sperry gyro compass
46. sparring121. Sperry sphere
47. sparring down122. sphere of action
48. spate123. spherical buoy
49. spawn124. spherical navigation
50. spawner125. spherical sailing
51. spawning126. spherical tank
52. spawning ground127. spherical tank skirt
53. spawning migration128. spheroid
54. spawning time129. spider band
55. speak130. spider batten
56. speak a ship131. spider crab
57. speaking tube132. spider dog
58. spear fishing133. spider hoop
59. spearfish134. spider iron
60. special ballast tank135. spidereen frigate
61. special cargo136. spigot
62. Special category spaces137. spike
63. Special contributions138. spike fastening
64. Special purpose ship139. spike fish
65. special survey140. spile
66. specialized ship141. spile pin
67. specific air resistance142. spiling
68. specific atmospheric humidity143. spiling batten
69. specific frictional resistance144. spill
70. specific fuel consumption145. spill hole
71. specific gravity146. spill pipe
72. specific heat147. spill the wind (from the sail)
73. specific residuary resistance148. spill vent
74. specific resistance149. spillage
75. specific thrust150. spiller

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