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1-150 z 157 words started from: "so"
1. S.O.76. sonar contact
2. S.O.S.77. sonar docking system
3. So.78. sonar-dunking helicopter
4. soap stone79. sonic bearing
5. social services80. sonic depth finder
6. Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO)81. sonic mine
7. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)82. sonic sounder
8. socket83. sonic-pressure field
9. socket plug84. sonobuoy
10. socket signal85. sonobuoy barrier
11. sockeye salmon86. soogee
12. soda87. soot blower
13. soda crystals88. Sophisticated paints
14. soda-acid extinguisher89. SOSUS
15. sodium chloride90. Soton
16. soft (shell) clam91. sou'wester
17. Soft coating92. sound
18. soft eye93. sound channel
19. soft iron94. sound insulation
20. soft lay95. sound signal
21. soft mast96. sound signalling
22. soft nose97. sound vessel
23. soft patch98. sound-level meter
24. soft roe99. sound-proofed
25. soft soap100. sound-proofing
26. software101. sounder
27. soger102. sounding
28. soger's breeze103. sounding boom
29. soiled104. sounding bottle
30. solano105. sounding lance
31. solar activity106. sounding lead
32. solar constituent107. sounding machine
33. solar cycle108. sounding machine feeler
34. solar day109. sounding pipe
35. Solar energy110. sounding pole
36. solar month111. sounding rod
37. solar radiation112. sounding tables
38. solar system113. sounding tube
39. solar time114. Sounding vessel
40. solar wind115. sounding wire
41. solar year116. soup
42. SOLAS117. sour
43. SOLAS 90118. sour crude
44. SOLAS 90 + 50119. sous palan clause
45. solder120. south
46. soldier's wind121. South Atlantic Central Water
47. sole122. south by east
48. sole agent123. south by west
49. sole piece124. south cone
50. sole plate125. South Equatorial Current
51. sole rope126. South Pole
52. solenoid valve127. South Seas
53. solid floor128. south-east trade drifts
54. solid frame129. south-southeast
55. solid fuel130. south-southwest
56. solid laminate131. south-ward(s)
57. solid pillar132. southbound
58. solid propellant133. southeast
59. solid propeller134. southeast by east
60. solid state135. southeast by south
61. solid state technique136. southeaster
62. solid thimble137. southeasterly
63. Solids138. southeastward
64. Soling139. southeastward(s)
65. solitary wave140. souther
66. solstice141. southerly
67. solstitial colure142. southern grade
68. solstitial points143. southern lights
69. solstitial spring tide144. southern sawfish
70. solvent145. southern sea lion
71. Solvent-free coating146. southing
72. solvsild147. southward
73. Somali Current148. southwest
74. son of a gun149. southwest by south
75. sonar150. southwest by west

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