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sl  sla  slb  sld  sle  sli  slo  slt  slu  

1-129 z 129 words started from: "sl"
1. S.L.66. sling
2. slab cork67. sling band
3. slab dog68. sling hoop
4. slab ice69. sling psychrometer
5. slab keel70. sling yoke
6. slack71. sling-ding
7. slack away72. slinger
8. slack ballast tank73. slinging
9. slack barrel74. slings
10. slack bilge75. slip
11. slack down76. slip a cable
12. slack in stays77. slip by the board
13. slack water78. slip dock
14. slacked fish79. slip hook
15. slacken80. slip knot
16. slacken up81. slip off
17. slackness82. slip one's cables
18. slagging83. slip ratio
19. slake84. slip rope
20. Slamming85. slip speed
21. slant of wind86. slip stopper
22. slant tack hals87. slip the (anchor) chain
23. slap bilge88. slip water bottle
24. slat89. slip wire
25. slatting90. slip-deck
26. slaughter-house91. slipstream
27. slave display92. slipway
28. SLBM93. slipway declivity
29. sld94. slit
30. sledge bottom vessel95. sloop
31. sleeper96. slop
32. sleeping cable97. slop chest
33. sleet98. slop chute
34. sleeve99. slop tank
35. sleming100. Slop tanks
36. SLEP101. slope failure
37. slew102. slope resistance
38. slew line103. sloping-outward frame
39. slew rope104. sloshing
40. slewing105. slot
41. slewing crane106. slotted array
42. slewing derrick107. slotted waveguide aerial
43. slewing guy108. slow ahead!
44. slewing guy pendant109. slow astern!
45. slewing guy tackle110. slow convoy
46. slewing stern111. slow fire
47. slick112. slow freezing
48. slide113. slow in stays
49. slide caliper114. slow Irish ports
50. slide damper115. slow marks
51. slide rule116. slow-burning
52. slider117. slowing down
53. sliding bilge block118. sltgs
54. sliding bowsprit119. sludge
55. sliding bulkhead door120. sludge oil
56. sliding caisson121. sludge vessel
57. sliding door122. sludger
58. sliding gunter sail123. slug wool
59. sliding keel124. sluice
60. Sliding link doors125. sluice gate
61. sliding scale126. sluiceway
62. sliding ways127. slump
63. slight breeze128. slush
64. slight sea129. slush ice
65. slime

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