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1-150 z 200 words started from: "shi"
1. shield76. ship's capture
2. shielded nozzle77. ship's carpenter
3. shift78. ship's clerk
4. shift of butts79. ship's clock
5. shift of wind80. ship's company
6. shift work81. ship's doctor
7. shifting82. ship's documents
8. shifting backstay83. ship's electrician
9. shifting ballast84. ship's endurance
10. shifting beam85. ship's engine
11. shifting board86. ship's engineer
12. shifting chock87. ship's entry
13. shifting sand88. ship's figures
14. shifting stock anchor89. ship's head
15. shim liner90. ship's husband
16. shim rod91. ship's inertial navigation system
17. shimmering92. ship's lantern
18. shin93. ship's log (book)
19. Shinc94. ship's machinery
20. shingle95. ship's magnetism
21. shingle lay-up (system)96. ship's mains
22. ship97. ship's manifest
23. ship a sea98. ship's mean time
24. ship ahoy!99. ship's name
25. ship architecture100. ship's noise signatures
26. ship behaviour in a seaway101. ship's number
27. ship biscuit102. ship's operating
28. ship bread103. ship's papers
29. ship canal104. ship's position
30. ship chandler105. ship's radar
31. ship channel106. ship's recreation room
32. ship construction107. ship's register
33. ship counter108. ship's senice generator
34. ship design109. ship's side
35. ship drawings110. ship's staff
36. ship earth station111. ship's stowage factor
37. Ship elevator112. ship's surgeon
38. ship fills113. ship's telescope
39. ship foreman114. ship's time
40. ship handling115. ship's warrant
41. ship hull116. ship-breaker
42. ship identification117. ship-house
43. ship in operation118. ship-model investigations
44. ship in ordinary119. ship-model testing tank
45. ship letter120. ship-money
46. Ship model basins121. ship-to-air missile
47. ship motions122. Ship-to-ship (STS) transfer operation
48. ship oars!123. shipboard
49. ship of the line124. shipboard aerial
50. ship plane125. Shipboard incineration
51. ship plate126. Shipboard incinerator
52. ship propelling plant127. Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP)
53. ship propulsion128. shipborne
54. ship propulsion reactor129. shipborne helicopter
55. ship propulsion turbine130. shipbreaker
56. ship raising vessel131. shipbreaking
57. ship salvage132. shipbroker
58. ship settles133. shipbuilder
59. ship sounds134. shipbuilding
60. ship stability135. shipbuilding dry dock
61. ship stabilization136. shipbuilding experimental tank
62. ship stabillizer137. shipbuilding industry
63. ship steel138. shipbuilding yard
64. ship stores139. shipchandler
65. ship sweat140. Shipchartering Coordinating Bureau
66. SHIP TYPES141. shipentine
67. ship welder142. shipfitter
68. ship with design trim143. shiphandler
69. ship with rise of keel144. shipkeeper
70. ship's (service) machinery145. shiplift
71. ship's agent146. shipload
72. ship's apparel147. shipmaster
73. ship's articles148. shipmate
74. ship's auger149. shipment
75. ship's boats' charts150. shipment of green water

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