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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
u  ua  ub  uh  ui  uj  uk  ul  um  un  up  ur  us  ut  uw  
una  unb  unc  und  une  unf  unh  uni  unk  unl  unm  unn  unr  uns  unv  unw  

1-150 z 174 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "un"
1. una rig76. underwater camera
2. una-rigged boardboat77. underwater concrete
3. unattended light78. underwater cutting
4. unbalanced laminate79. underwater cutting torch
5. unbalanced rudder80. underwater cutting torch lighter
6. unbalanced weave81. underwater explosion
7. unbalanced woven rovings82. underwater hull
8. unballast83. underwater lamp
9. unbend84. underwater range
10. unberthed passenger85. underwater tools
11. unberthed ship86. underwater torpedo tube
12. unbitt87. underwater valve
13. uncapsizing ship88. underwater vehicle
14. uncharted89. underwater welding
15. UNCLOS90. underwater-to-air missile
16. uncoil91. underwater-to-surface missile
17. uncouple motions92. underwater-torch
18. uncovered93. underway replenishment tanker
19. undamped motion94. underwrite
20. undecked95. underwriter
21. under (strict) supervision96. underwriting
22. under bare poles97. undisturbed flow
23. under bevel98. undo a nut
24. under canvas99. undock
25. under construction100. undulate
26. under current101. undulation
27. under deck tonnage102. undulatory
28. under easy sail103. unequal-angle bar
29. under full sail104. unfair holes
30. under hatches105. unfavourable winds
31. under load106. unfurl
32. under repair107. unhook
33. under sail108. unicellular foam (plastic)
34. under sailing orders109. unidentifiable cargo
35. under ship's tockle110. unidirectional (reinforced) composite
36. under stress of weather111. unidirectional cloth
37. under the lee112. uniform general cargo
38. under the wind113. uniform pitch
39. under way114. uniform system of buoyage
40. under weigh115. uniform time signal
41. under-deck116. uniform time system
42. under-keel allowance117. uniform turning motion
43. underbid118. Unilock
44. undercamassed119. union
45. undercarrier120. Union Flag
46. undercharge121. union gear
47. undercoat122. Union Jack
48. undercoating123. union purchase rig
49. underdeck cargo124. union purchase swivels
50. underfoot125. union stockless anchor
51. underhand126. union system
52. underhaul127. union thimble
53. underhung rudder128. unit
54. underinch129. unit load
55. underkeel clearance130. unit of account
56. underloading131. unit patrol
57. undermanned132. unit power
58. underpowered133. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
59. underquote134. unitized cargo
60. underrun135. Universal fairlead
61. underrun (a rope)136. universal joint (coupling)
62. underrun a net137. universal rule
63. underrun a tackle138. universal time
64. underrunning139. unkinkable lay
65. undersail140. unknown destination
66. underset141. unlash
67. undersized fish142. unlay
68. understaffed143. unlit
69. undertaking144. unload
70. undertone145. unloading deck
71. undertone index146. unmanned
72. undertow147. unmanned submersible submarine
73. underwater148. unmarked
74. underwater body149. unnamed
75. underwater burst150. unreliable sector

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