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2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
o  oa  ob  oc  od  oe  of  og  oh  oi  oj  ok  ol  om  on  oo  op  or  os  ot  ou  ov  ow  ox  oy  oz  

152-301 z 642 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "o"
1. offshore racing76. old wife
2. offshore supply vessel77. old-fashioned anchor
3. offshore support vessel78. oldster
4. Offshore support vessel (OSV)79. olefin
5. offshore tracks80. olefins
6. offshore wind81. Olympic octagonal course
7. offward(s)82. Olympic regatta
8. offwind83. Olympic yacht class
9. ogival buoy84. ombrometer
10. ognie Św. Elma85. Omega
11. ohm86. omnibus bill of lading
12. ohmmeter87. omułek jadalny
13. Ohms Law88. on a taut bowline
14. oil89. on a wind
15. oil bag90. on active
16. oil carrier91. on and off bottom
17. oil clearance92. on board
18. Oil Companies International Marine Forum93. on board Bill of Lading
19. oil derrick94. on deck
20. oil dipper rod95. on duty
21. oil dispersal boat96. on even keel
22. oil drilling rig97. on fream ends
23. oil emulsion98. on her beam ends
24. oil engine99. on scene commander
25. oil field100. on ship board
26. oil filter101. on switch
27. oil firing102. on the basis of ...
28. oil fuel103. on the beach
29. Oil fuel unit104. on the beam
30. oil gland105. on the berth
31. Oil grade106. on the bow
32. oil hose107. on the feed
33. oil level gauge108. on the quarter
34. oil mist detector109. on the starboard beam
35. oil pollution110. on the stocks
36. Oil Pollution Act (OPA)111. on the weather beam
37. oil pump112. on the wind
38. oil record book113. on-costs
39. oil reservoir114. On-hire/off-hire surveys
40. oil residues115. on-line data processing
41. oil rig116. on-line system
42. oil separator117. on-survey
43. oil slick118. on-survey report
44. Oil spill combatment vessel ARCA119. One compartment subdivision
45. oil system120. one-armed anchor
46. oil tanker121. one-boat mid-water trawl
47. oil varnish122. one-class boat
48. oil-bulk-ore carrier123. one-compartment ship
49. oil-burning124. one-design class
50. oil-can125. one-flag signal
51. oil-fired126. one-on/one-off (system)
52. oil-loading terminal127. only mate
53. oil-sealing floor128. onshore wind
54. oil-separating barge129. OO
55. oil-tight130. ooching
56. oil-tight floor131. ooze
57. oil/bulk carrier132. opaque
58. oiler133. opaque sky cover
59. oilskins134. OPEC
60. oiltight bulkhead135. open a range
61. oiltight hatch136. open account
62. oiltight riveting137. open basin
63. Oily mixture138. open bearings
64. Oily water separator139. open bevel
65. ojciec i syn140. open boat
66. okno śrubowe141. open charter
67. okoniopstrąg142. open chock
68. okoń143. open class
69. Old for new144. open coast
70. old hand145. open cover
71. old ice146. open craft
72. old man147. open diving
73. old man bollard148. open diving helmet
74. old salt149. open dock
75. old stager150. open drift-ice

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