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1-150 z 909 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "w"
1. W76. war-galley
2. w.b.77. War/Strike Clause
3. W.B./E.L78. Ward Leonard system
4. W.C.E.79. wardrobe
5. w.e.f.80. wardroom
6. W.P.A.81. warehouse
7. w.p.d.82. warehouse receipt
8. W.R. 1/283. warehouse rent
9. W.R.N.S.84. warehouse-to-warehouse rate
10. W.R.N.Y.R.85. warehousekeeper
11. W.T.86. warehouseman
12. w.w.d.87. warfare
13. W/M, W.M.88. warm air mass
14. W/T89. warm front
15. W/W90. warm sector
16. wachna cod91. warm stand-by
17. wade overboard92. warm the bell
18. waft93. warm tongue
19. wager policy94. warm-core high
20. wages95. warning
21. wagon tippler96. warning light
22. waif97. warning signal
23. waist98. warning test
24. waist breast99. warp
25. waist hawser100. warp laid rope
26. waister101. warp leader
27. waiting berth102. warping
28. waiting for berth clause103. warping bollard
29. wake104. warping bridge
30. wake adapted propeller105. warping buoy
31. wake coefficient106. warping capstan
32. wake current107. warping chock
33. Wake equalization duct108. warping cone
34. wake fraction109. warping drum
35. wake fraction of the nozzle110. warping end
36. wake fraction of the system111. warping guide
37. wake screw112. warping train
38. wake speed113. warping winch
39. wakey, wakey!114. warrant
40. wale115. warrant officer
41. wale shore116. warranty
42. walk away!117. warranty period
43. walk back118. Warsaw-Oxford Rules
44. walk on/walk off method119. warship
45. walkie-talkie120. wash
46. walking board121. wash ashore
47. walking the plank122. wash bulkhead
48. walkway123. wash deck pipe
49. wall124. wash down
50. wall a rope125. wash net
51. wall coil126. wash overboard
52. wall effect127. wash plate
53. wall interference128. wash port
54. wall knot129. wash primer
55. wall seal130. wash-deck hose
56. wall-sided vessel131. washboard
57. walleye pollack132. washed ashore
58. walrus133. washer
59. walt134. washing down
60. wał śrubowy135. Washing machines
61. wandering136. Washington displacement
62. wandering albatros137. wastage
63. wandering lead138. Waste
64. wandering of fish139. waste (material)
65. wane140. waste gases
66. wangling141. Waste management
67. waning142. waste steam pipe
68. waning moon143. waste-heat boiler
69. war clause144. watch
70. war contraband145. watch and watch
71. war emergency146. watch below
72. war game147. watch buoy
73. war head148. watch cap
74. war risk149. watch coat
75. war risks clause150. watch dog

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