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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
t  ta  tb  tc  td  te  tf  th  ti  tl  tm  to  tp  tr  ts  tt  tu  tw  ty  tz  
tab  tac  tad  taf  tag  tai  tak  tal  tam  tan  tap  tar  tas  tat  tau  tav  tax  tay  

1-35 z 35 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "tak"
1. take a bearing19. take soundings
2. take a cast20. take the beach
3. take a caulk21. take the bottom
4. take a fisherman's reef22. take the con
5. take a list23. take the ground
6. take a sight24. take the sea
7. take a turn25. take to pieces
8. take an order26. take up
9. take charge of...27. take up an agency
10. take ground28. take up mesh
11. take in sail29. take way off the ship
12. take in the slack30. taken aback
13. take in tow31. taken by the lee
14. take out a kink32. taken from work
15. take out a rope33. taking in
16. take over34. taking off
17. take over duties35. taking ullage
18. take part in...

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