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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
t  ta  tb  tc  td  te  tf  th  ti  tl  tm  to  tp  tr  ts  tt  tu  tw  ty  tz  
tha  the  thi  tho  thp  thr  thu  thw  thy  

1-138 z 138 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "th"
1. T.H.P.70. thrashing to windward
2. Thames Measurements71. thread
3. thaw room72. thread herring
4. thawing73. threatening weather
5. thawing hole in the ice74. three decker
6. thawing holes (pl) in the ice75. three legger
7. thawing-off process76. three letter points
8. The Law of the Sea77. three letter signal
9. theoretical naval architecture78. three point problem
10. theoretical volumetric output79. three sheets in the wind
11. theory of sailing80. three-flag signal
12. thermal81. three-island ship
13. thermal air current82. three-island vessel
14. thermal conductivity83. three-leg mooring
15. thermal convection84. three-pass
16. thermal cracker85. three-way
17. thermal efficiency86. thresher (shark)
18. thermal image87. threshold
19. Thermal protective aid88. Threshold limit value (TLV)
20. thermal relay89. throat
21. thermal stability90. throat brail
22. Thermistor91. throat halyard
23. thermit welding92. throat line
24. thermobarometer93. throat seizing
25. thermocline94. throater
26. thermocouple95. thrott line
27. thermodynamics96. throttle
28. thermograd probe97. through bill of lading
29. thermogram98. through freight
30. thermograph99. through rate
31. thermohaline circulation100. through traffic
32. thermohaline convection101. through transport
33. thermometer102. through ventilation
34. thermometer screen103. throw net
35. Thermometers104. thrum
36. thermoregulator105. thrum mat
37. thermosetting106. thrumbs
38. thermosetting plastic107. thrust
39. thermosphera108. thrust bearing
40. thermostat109. thrust block
41. thermotank110. thrust coefficient
42. thick and thin block111. thrust constant
43. thick fog112. thrust deduction
44. thick squall113. thrust deduction coefficient
45. thick stuff114. thrust deduction factor
46. thick weather115. thrust deduction fraction of nozzle
47. thick winter-ice116. thrust fraction of the system
48. thickener117. thrust horse power
49. thickness ratio118. thrust of the nozzle
50. thickness-length ratio119. thrust of the propeller
51. thief net120. thrust of the screw-nozzle system
52. thief sampler121. thrust shaft
53. thief's knot122. thruster
54. thimble123. thruster interaction
55. thin fog124. Thrusters
56. Thinner125. thumb cleat
57. third adjustment of the sextant126. thumb knot
58. third otter board127. thumb nut
59. third phase of turning motion128. thumb screw
60. third-hand129. thummel
61. ThirdParty Processing130. thunder
62. thixotropic additive (agent)131. thunder bolt
63. thixotropic resin132. thunder cloud
64. thixotropy133. thunderstorm
65. thole134. thwart
66. thole pin135. thwart knee
67. thornback ray136. thwartships
68. thorny lobster137. thyratron
69. thoroughfoot138. thyristor

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