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2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
o  oa  ob  oc  od  oe  of  og  oh  oi  oj  ok  ol  om  on  oo  op  or  os  ot  ou  ov  ow  ox  oy  oz  
opa  ope  opi  opp  opt  

1-100 z 100 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "op"
1. opaque51. open-water rudder test
2. opaque sky cover52. opening
3. OPEC53. opening iron
4. open a range54. operate
5. open account55. operating comfort
6. open basin56. operating conditions
7. open bearings57. operating costs
8. open bevel58. operating data
9. open boat59. operating differential subsidy
10. open charter60. operating division
11. open chock61. operating gear
12. open class62. operating mode
13. open coast63. operating period
14. open cover64. operating system
15. open craft65. Operating values of an engine
16. open diving66. operation
17. open diving helmet67. operation controls
18. open dock68. operation sheet
19. open drift-ice69. operation submiss
20. open flash intercooler70. operation test
21. open floor71. Operational design
22. open harbour72. operational diversion
23. open hawse73. operational firing
24. open ice-edge74. operational formation
25. Open Insurance Policy75. operational readiness test
26. open lead near shore76. operational requirements
27. open link77. operational responsibility (for ship)
28. open order78. operational safety
29. open pack79. operational season
30. open policy80. operational speed
31. open port81. operational tolerance
32. open railing82. operations officer
33. open rate83. operator
34. open roads84. opium clipper
35. open roadstead85. opposed-piston engine
36. open sea86. opposite transfer
37. open shelter deck vessel87. opposition
38. open shelterdecker88. opt.
39. open ship89. optical detailing office
40. open space90. optical marking
41. open spec91. optical reader
42. open sternframe92. optimization
43. open tonnage93. optimum diameter
44. Open venting94. optimum route
45. open water95. option
46. open water propeller96. optional cargo
47. open water propeller test97. optional cargo clause
48. open-closed shelter-deck vessel98. optional clause
49. Open-loop control system99. optional pilotage
50. open-sea fishery100. optronics

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