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Baza Firm
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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
o  oa  ob  oc  od  oe  of  og  oh  oi  oj  ok  ol  om  on  oo  op  or  os  ot  ou  ov  ow  ox  oy  oz  

1-56 z 56 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "of"
1. off and on29. offer firm
2. off duty30. officer
3. off hire clause31. officer of the watch
4. off soundings32. officer on watch
5. off switch33. officers' quarters
6. off the beam34. official log-book
7. off the wind35. official number
8. off-centered display36. offing
9. off-centre37. offset sheet
10. off-centre plan display38. offset, off-set
11. off-gauge cargo39. offsets
12. off-hire time/period40. offsetting of claims
13. off-line data processing41. offshore
14. off-line system42. offshore bar
15. off-load43. offshore countermeasures
16. off-lying dangers44. offshore drilling
17. off-shore fisheries45. offshore floating dock
18. off-shore terminal46. offshore installation
19. off-shore terrace47. offshore patrol craft
20. off-size48. offshore personnel
21. off-station49. offshore racing
22. off-survey50. offshore supply vessel
23. off-survey report51. offshore support vessel
24. offal52. Offshore support vessel (OSV)
25. offal bunker53. offshore tracks
26. offal hatch54. offshore wind
27. offal hooper55. offward(s)
28. offensive mine-field56. offwind

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