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  Morska Encyklopedia Internetowa
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
d  d1  da  db  dc  dd  de  df  dg  dh  di  dk  dl    dm  dn  do  dp  dr  ds  du  dw  dy  dz  
dua  dub  duc  due  duf  dug  dum  dun  dup  dur  dus  dut  

1-94 z 94 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "du"
1. dual control48. dump bolt
2. Dual Pricing49. dump fastening
3. dual purpose gun50. dump-scow
4. dual purpose ship51. dumper
5. dual rate system52. dumping
6. dual valuation53. dumping area
7. dual valuation clause54. dumping at sea
8. dual watch facility55. dumping boards
9. dual-output generator56. dumping ground
10. dual-purpose battery57. Dumping Margin
11. dual-stage regulator58. dumping planks
12. dualinsurance59. dune
13. dubbing60. dungarees
14. duck61. dunking sonar
15. duck up62. dunnage
16. duck-cover63. dunnage charges
17. duck-covered rubber hose64. dunnage clause
18. ducking at the yardarm65. dunnage gratings
19. duct66. dunnage mat
20. duct keel67. dunnage wood
21. ducted propeller68. dunnaging
22. dues69. duplex DP
23. duffel bag70. duplex operation
24. duffle coat71. duplex pistol
25. dug out72. durability
26. dugout canoe73. duration clause
27. dumb barge74. duration of fall
28. dumb compass75. duration of rise
29. dumb craft76. duration of stream
30. dumb dredger77. duration of tide
31. dumb iron78. dusk alert
32. dumb lighter79. dusky sea perch
33. dumb sheave80. dust allowance
34. dumb vessel81. Dust Bowl
35. dummy82. dust-proof
36. dummy aerial83. dustpan
37. dummy barge84. dusttight
38. dummy brace85. dusty money
39. dummy compass86. dutchman
40. dummy funnel87. dutchman's breeches
41. dummy gantline88. dutchman's log
42. dummy head89. dutchman's purchase
43. dummy mine90. dutiable
44. dummy run91. duty
45. dummy-headed torpedo92. duty cycle
46. dump93. duty engineer
47. dump barge94. duty free shop

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