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2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
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1-58 z 58 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "cur"
1. curb30. curve of bending moment
2. cure31. curve of buoyancy
3. curie of constant bearing32. curve of centre of gravity of waterplanes
4. curie of declining angles33. curve of equal bearings
5. curie of resistance34. curve of floatation
6. curie of sectional areas35. curve of heeling moment
7. curie of weight36. curve of height of metacentre
8. curing37. curve of loads
9. curing agent38. curve of longitudinal centres of buoyancy
10. curing temperature39. curve of longitudinal metacentres
11. Curing time40. curve of longitudinal moment of inertia of water plane
12. currency clause41. curve of longitudinal moment of section
13. currency of payment42. curve of metacentric radiii
14. current43. curve of moment to alter trim one inch
15. current chart44. curve of righting moment levers
16. current log45. curve of righting moments
17. current meter46. curve of shearing force
18. current rate47. curve of stability of form
19. current report48. curve of stabitity
20. current rip49. curve of statical stability
21. current sailing50. curve of tons per inch immersion
22. current speed51. curve of transverse metacentres
23. current transformer52. curve of transverse moment of inertia of water plane
24. cursor53. curve of transverse moment of section
25. CURV54. curve of vertical centres of buoyancy
26. curvature55. curve of vertical metacentre
27. curve56. curve of vertical moment of section
28. curve in57. curve of water planes areas
29. curve of areas of section58. curve of wetted surface

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