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1-150 z 154 words started from: "for"
1. for a full due76. foreguy
2. foraminifera77. forehand
3. FORAN78. foreign body
4. forbes cat rig79. foreign currency
5. Forbes log80. foreign exachange
6. forc-and-aft mooring81. Foreign Exports
7. Force82. foreign general average
8. force a wedge83. foreign general average clause
9. force majeure84. foreign going ship
10. force majeure clause85. foreign going vessel
11. forced air circulation86. foreign matter
12. forced circulation boiler87. foreign trade
13. Forced commutation88. foreign trade master
14. forced motion89. foreign trade mate
15. forced point rumb90. foreign trade zone
16. forced tide91. foreign-held
17. forced vibration92. foreland
18. forced wave93. forelock
19. fore94. foreman
20. fore and aft95. foreman stevedore
21. fore bay96. foremast
22. fore course97. foremast head light
23. fore deek98. foremost
24. fore gallow99. forenoon watch
25. fore hatch(way)100. forepeak
26. fore hold101. forepeak bulkhead
27. fore hoods102. forerake
28. fore hook103. forereach
29. fore horse104. forerunners
30. fore poppet105. foresail
31. fore rigging106. foreshore
32. fore sheet107. Forest products
33. fore sheet horse108. forestay
34. fore shoulder109. foretop
35. fore staff110. foretop-man
36. fore stay111. foretopmast
37. fore staysail112. foretopmast staysail
38. fore steaming light113. foreturn
39. fore trim tank114. foreyard
40. fore warp115. foreyards
41. Fore-and-aft116. forge
42. fore-and-aft bend (of a ma,st)117. forge ahead
43. fore-and-aft bridge118. forge shop
44. fore-and-aft correctors119. forged
45. fore-and-aft drifting120. forging
46. fore-and-aft moorings121. fork
47. fore-and-aft rig122. fork lift
48. fore-and-aft rigged123. fork-lift truck
49. fore-and-aft sail124. form
50. fore-and-aft seamanship125. form coefficients
51. fore-and-aft tackle126. form drag
52. fore-and-aft topsail127. form effect
53. fore-and-after128. form lines
54. fore-cabin129. form resistance
55. fore-ganger130. form stability
56. fore-planes131. formed rope
57. fore-sheets132. former
58. forebitter133. forming
59. forebody134. formula boats
60. foreboom135. forties
61. forecast136. forty footer
62. forecastle137. forward
63. forecastle deek138. forward bow spring
64. forecastle rail139. forward breast rope
65. forecooling140. forward draught
66. foree of inertia141. forward error correcting
67. foree of wind142. forward foil
68. foree over143. forward horizon
69. foreed oscillation144. forward perpendicular
70. foreeooler145. forward planes
71. forefoot146. forward spray
72. forefoot knee147. forward spring
73. forefoot plate148. forward viewing sonar
74. foregirt149. forwarder
75. foregoer150. forwarder's Bill of Lading

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