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fab  fac  fad  fag  fah  fai  fak  fal  fam  fan  far  fas  fat  fau  fav  fax  fay  

1-150 z 180 words started from: "fa"
1. f.a.c.76. fall cloud
2. F.A.S., fas77. fall cover
3. fabric78. fall down
4. fabricate79. fall in the drink
5. fabricated stern frame80. fall in with
6. fabricated vessel81. fall not off
7. Fabrication shop82. fall of temperature
8. FAC83. fall off
9. face84. fall resistance
10. face cavitation85. fall through
11. face ordinate86. fall to pieces
12. face pitch87. fall tub
13. face plate88. fall wind
14. face shield89. falling home
15. face-lifting90. falling net
16. faci-timber91. falling out
17. facilitation92. falling tide
18. facility93. falling under the contract
19. facing (material)94. falling-leaf gate
20. facsimile95. false alarm
21. facsimile telegraphy96. false albacore
22. facsimile transmission97. false belly
23. facsimile weather chart98. false colors
24. factor99. false colours
25. factor of safety100. false headline
26. factor of subdivision101. false keel
27. factory102. false mesh
28. factory mainvessel103. false meshes
29. factory mother ship104. false point
30. factory ship105. false start
31. factory trawler106. false stem
32. faculty of naval architecture107. false tack
33. fade108. false target
34. fading109. falt boat
35. fag out110. family of curves
36. fag-end111. Famine
37. faggot112. Famine spiral
38. fahrenheit degrees (F)113. fan
39. Fahrenheit temperature scale114. fan along
40. fahricating shop115. fan cooling
41. fail116. fanal
42. failure117. fancy line
43. fair118. fanion
44. fair curve119. fanning
45. fair holes120. fantail
46. fair in place121. fantail (stern)
47. fair line122. fantail grating
48. fair sailing123. fareweli buoy
49. fair wear and tear124. farewell whistle
50. fair wind125. fargood
51. fair-weather sailor126. farthell
52. faireleader127. fascine
53. fairing128. fash
54. fairing ribband129. fashion
55. fairing the lines130. fashion pieces
56. fairlead131. fashion plate stem
57. fairlead bollard132. fashioned plate
58. fairlead sheave133. fast
59. fairwater134. fast attack craft
60. fairwater cap135. fast convoy
61. fairwater cone136. fast coupling
62. fairway137. Fast feeder box (FFB)
63. fairway arch138. Fast feeder NORASIA SULTANA
64. fairway buoy139. Fast ferries
65. fairway speed140. Fast ferry STENA EXPLORER
66. FAK141. fast ice
67. fake142. fast patrol craft
68. fake down a hawser143. fast running propeller
69. falcate144. fast sailer
70. Falkland Current145. fast-time constant
71. fall146. fastcan
72. fall aboard147. fastcan cop
73. fall astern148. fastener
74. fall away149. fastening
75. fall calm150. fastness

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