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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ³  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s    t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ¿  
a  aa  ab  ac  ad  ae  af  ag  ah  ai  ak  al  am  an  ao  ap  aq  ar  as  at  au  av  aw  ax  ay  az  
aud  aug  aum  aur  aus  aut  aux  

1-93 z 93 words started from: "au"
1. audibility48. Automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA)
2. audibility threshold49. automatic range measurement
3. audio frequency50. automatic relative plotter
4. auger51. automatic remote control system
5. augment52. automatic request for repeats
6. augment of resistance53. automatic sound buoy
7. augmentation54. automatic sound signal
8. augmentation of semidiameter55. automatic sprinkler
9. AUM56. automatic start valve
10. aural signal57. automatic steerer
11. aurora58. automatic steerer stabilizer
12. aurora australis59. automatic steering
13. aurora borealis60. automatic tide gauge
14. aurora glory61. automatic tracking
15. aurora polaris62. automatic weather station
16. auroral clouds63. automatic welding
17. auroral display64. Automation
18. austral65. automatization
19. authority66. Automooring systems
20. authority to sign67. autonomous port
21. auto ferry68. autopilot
22. auto radar pilot69. autopilot computer
23. auto-alarm70. autopilot settings
24. auto-alarm receiver71. autumn albacore
25. auto-alarm sender72. autumnal equinox
26. Auto-ignition73. aux.
27. auto-lathe74. auxiliaries
28. autoclave pressure bag molding75. auxiliary
29. autogenous welding76. auxiliary aircraft transport
30. autographic instrument77. Auxiliary blowers
31. Automated Broker Interface (ABI)78. auxiliary boiler
32. automated class79. auxiliary condenser
33. Automated Clearinghouse80. auxiliary contact
34. Automated Export Reporting Pro81. auxiliary craft
35. Automated Trade Locator Assist82. auxiliary cruiser
36. automatic83. auxiliary engine
37. automatic alarm receiver84. auxiliary machinery
38. automatic block control85. auxiliary mine sweeper
39. automatic control86. auxiliary motor yacht
40. automatic control system87. auxiliary powered vessel
41. automatic data processing88. Auxiliary Propulsion Drive
42. automatic direction finder89. auxiliary rudder head
43. automatic helmsman90. auxiliary sailing vessel
44. Automatic Identification System91. auxiliary tank
45. automatic inboard vent tank92. auxiliary vessel
46. automatic keying device93. auxiliary yacht
47. automatic pilot

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