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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ³  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s    t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ¿  
a  aa  ab  ac  ad  ae  af  ag  ah  ai  ak  al  am  an  ao  ap  aq  ar  as  at  au  av  aw  ax  ay  az  
ad  ada  adc  add  adf  adg  adh  adi  adj  adm  ado  adr  adv  adz  

1-117 z 117 words started from: "ad"
1. AD60. adjusting knob
2. ad valorem cargo61. adjusting magnet
3. ad valorem duty (tarriff)62. adjusting screw
4. ad valorem freight63. adjusting wedge
5. ad valorem tarriff64. adjustment
6. ADA65. adjustment of a sail
7. adapt66. admeasure
8. adapted for...67. admeasurement
9. adapted to68. Administration
10. adapter69. admiral
11. adaptive autopilot70. Admiral Commanding Submarines
12. adcom71. Admiral of Destroyer Flotillas
13. add(r)72. Admiral of the Fleet
14. added mass73. Admiral Superintendent
15. added mass coefficient74. admiral's barge
16. added mass moment of inertia75. Admiral's walk
17. added weight method76. Admiralty
18. addendum77. Admiralty Board
19. additional78. Admiralty brass
20. additional catch79. Admiralty chart
21. additional perils clause80. Admiralty chart agent
22. address81. Admiralty chart depot
23. address clause82. Admiralty coefficient
24. address commission83. Admiralty constant
25. addressee84. Admiralty Court
26. ADF85. Admiralty flag
27. ADG86. Admiralty formula
28. adhere87. Admiralty jurisdiction
29. adhere to a contract88. Admiralty knot
30. adhere to a standard89. Admiralty law
31. adherence90. Admiralty sailing directions
32. Adhesion91. Admiralty Tide Tables
33. adhesive92. admittance
34. adiabatic93. adopt
35. adiabatic curve94. Adret
36. adiabatic efficiency95. adrift
37. adiabatic lapse rate96. advance
38. adipose fin97. advance a line
39. adjacent98. advance booking
40. adjacent channel99. advance coefficient
41. adjacent sea100. advance freight
42. adjacent waters101. advance note
43. adjacent zone102. advance payment
44. adjust103. advance scouts
45. adjust a compass104. advance staysail
46. adjust screening stations105. advance velocity
47. adjust speed106. advance wages receipt
48. adjust the centre107. advanced decay
49. adjustable108. Advanced Technology Products
50. adjustable blade propeller109. advancing money
51. Adjustable bolted propeller110. advantage
52. Adjustable bolted propeller (ABP)111. advection
53. adjustable clamp112. advection fog
54. adjustable pivot113. adventure
55. adjustable spanner114. adverse
56. adjustable wheelhouse115. adverse weather
57. adjustable wrench116. Advisory Committee of the Marine Resources Research
58. adjustable-pitch propeller117. adze
59. adjuster

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