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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
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wac  wad  waf  wag  wai  wak  wal  wan  war  was  wat  wav  wax  way  wa³  

1-53 z 53 words started from: "wav"
1. wave28. wave resistance
2. wave absorber29. wave riding
3. wave amplitude30. wave shoaling
4. wave basin31. wave slope
5. wave bending moment32. wave steepness
6. wave breaker33. wave surface
7. wave chart34. wave system of a ship
8. wave clutter35. wave tail
9. wave crest36. wave trap
10. wave diffraction37. wave trap bed
11. wave elevation38. wave trap floor
12. wave filter39. wave trough
13. wave forecast40. wave velocity
14. wave generator41. wave wake
15. wave hollow42. wave wash
16. wave incidence43. wave-catch
17. wave interference44. wave-cut shore
18. wave length45. wave-maker
19. wave making resistance coefficient46. wave-making
20. wave motion47. wave-making length
21. wave of decreasing amplitude48. wave-making resistance
22. wave of displacement49. waveguide
23. wave of increasing amplitude50. wavelet
24. wave period51. wavemeter
25. wave profile52. waveson
26. wave reflection53. wavy navy
27. wave refraction

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