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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
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r  r(  r+  ra  rc  rd  re  rf  rg  rh  ri  rm  rn  ro  rp  rr  rs  rt  ru  rv  ry  
rub  rud  ruf  rug  rul  rum  run  rus  rut  

1-53 z 53 words started from: "run"
1. run28. runner tackle
2. run a line of soundings29. runner tension
3. run afoul30. running
4. run aground31. running aground
5. run away32. running backstay
6. run before the wind33. running before the wind
7. run down34. running block
8. run free35. running bowline
9. run in with36. running bowsprit
10. run into37. running days
11. run of the coast38. running down clause
12. run out39. running fix
13. run out to a clinch40. running free
14. run out to sea41. running high
15. run silent!42. running knot
16. run the blockade43. running line
17. run the easting down44. running moor
18. run the headway down45. running part (of a fall)
19. run the longitude46. running repair
20. run up from the sea47. running rigging
21. runabout48. running stage
22. rung49. running survey
23. runnage50. running the easting down
24. runnel51. running voyage
25. runner52. runnings lights
26. runner and tackle53. Runoff
27. runner crew

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