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on Odra River
on Warta River

  Inland shipping
area of Mosina

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The Warta river as a regional waterway, 406.6 km long, of which 154.6 km (Konin-Luboń near Poznań) are of 1st A class, 183.8 km (Luboń near Poznań-Santok) are of 1st B class and 68.2 km (Santok-Odra River) are of 2nd class. It is used for shipping (Kanał Ślesiński) having an inland connection via the Noteć river and the Bydgoszcz Canal and further to the Wisła river.
The lower Warta, from the estuary of the Noteć river to the Odra river is a 2nd class waterway, used by ships with draft not exceeding 1.30 m. By Luboń near Poznań shipping is still possible, but at the low-medium level of water maximum draft of 40-60 cm while 100 cm medium water depth of water level.

Nowadays the Warta on the most interesting section from Kostrzyń (the estuary of the Warta to the Odra) to estuary of Prosna river (348 km) requires urgent and complementing regulation. Within this sections are too sharp bends, often with radius of 250m which make shipping very hard, not to mention serious problems that can be encountered with spring ice movement. In the section between Biedrusk (224.8 km) and Radzim (216.3 km) there is a gravel and clay river bed, but in the section from Owińsk (229.0) to Luboń (252.0) are stony shallows meaning any engineering works being hard to complete and consequently reducing river depth in considerable.
The inland port in Gorzów Wielkopolski is situated on 57 km on the Warta. It has 2ha of the pavement, 3ha of a basin with the average depth of 3.4m, the coastline is 350m length, slipway of 50m wide.
The sanitary background, the water intake and the receipt of sewage are available. Despite the transshipment services, port offer mooring, wintering, docking, renovating and preserving, as well as charting the boats and organized cruises.
The port area is guarded per 24h and it is equipped with monitoring.

Nowadays there are no more active ports on the Warta. The ports in Skwierzyna, Międzychód and Orzechów are sludged and simply dead. In 2011 port in Międzychód was adapted to marina. Port in Poznań left only basin and loaded wharves in Czerwonak and Luboń are not active. Only reloding space of H.Cegielski in Poznań and port in Gorzów Wielkopolski should be considered.

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