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Drzewo kategorii: urz.nawigacyjne / systemy pozycyjne / echosondy

Depth sounder LAZ 5000


Depth sounder LAZ 5000
The navigation depth sounder LAZ 5000 was designed, in conceptual terms, for both shallow and deep water. The high-resolution LCD display displays the seabed structure and all of the relevant navigation data. An electronic log book (data and position) maintains a record of the previous 24 hours, so that a print-out can subsequently made with one of the printers on board.
See more...

HDW-Hagenuk Schiffstechnik GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Ring 6, 22761 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone : +49 40 - 899 72 111, fax : +49 40 - 899 72 110

Drzewo kategorii: urz.nawigacyjne / systemy pozycyjne / echosondy

Dual Frequency Echosounder LAZ 4420


Dual Frequency Echosounder LAZ 4420
The proven LAZ 4420 system is a versatile state-of-the art, micro-processor-controlled precision graphic echosounder, applicable as Class I navigation sounder for compulsory installation on seagoing vessels. It is also suitable for any kind of fishery: Pelagic fishing as well as bottom trawl and deepsea fishing. Due to its wide range of features it is applicable for survey tasks as well and can be enhanced with additional color monitors and digital slave units.

L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, D-24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone : ++49 431 883 0 , fax : ++49 431 883 496
contact person:

Drzewo kategorii: urz.nawigacyjne / systemy pozycyjne / echosondy

Naval Depth Sounder VE 59


Naval Depth Sounder VE 59
Echosounder complying with military standards for surface ships and submarines. Operating frequencies between 12 kHz and 1 MHz. For submarines additional sound velocity measurement bases with or without temperature sensor and CTD-sensor (conductivity, temperature, depth) to compute density, salinity and sound velocity.

L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone: ++49 431 883 0, fax: ++49 431 883 496

Drzewo kategorii: urz.nawigacyjne / systemy pozycyjne / echosondy

Naval Depth Sounder VE 5900


Naval Depth Sounder VE 5900
New naval echosounder for submarines and surface ships; fully menu-controlled, paper-free system.

L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone: ++49 431 883 0, fax: ++49 431 883 496

Drzewo kategorii: urz.nawigacyjne / systemy pozycyjne / echosondy

Navigation Sounder LAZ 5000


Navigation Sounder LAZ 5000
The "best-seller" LAZ 5000 is at present the only IMO-certified navigation sounder on the market, which operates without paper. An LC display indicates depth and as option, if required, a printout of the 24 hours memory can be done by a commercial printer.
To date more than 1600 pieces have been sold.

L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone: ++49 431 883 0, fax: ++49 431 883 496

Drzewo kategorii: urz.nawigacyjne / systemy pozycyjne / echosondy

Survey Sounder LAZ 4700/4721


Survey Sounder LAZ 4700/4721
These sophisticated high-precision echosounders, with their wide choice of frequencies, transducers, transmitters and optional equipment cover the entire range from shallow water surveys of harbours and inland waterways to bathymetry in maximum ocean depths. Digitized data recorded with the LAZ 4700/4721 can be edited and processed with the Hydrographic Data Processing Software HDP 4061. In addition the unit can be used as navigation sounder (in selectable mode) meeting IMO/SOLAS requirements and recommendations.
Over 200 of the LAZ 4700/4721 have been delivered todate.

L-3 Communications ELAC Nautik GmbH
Neufeldtstrasse, D-24118 Kiel, GERMANY
phone : ++49 431 883 0 , fax : ++49 431 883 496

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