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2  8  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  ł  m  n  o  ó  p  q  r  s  ś  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  ż  
v  va  vb  vc  vd  ve  vf  vg  vh  vi  vl  vm  vo  vr  vs  vt  vu  

116-265 z 265 haseł rozpoczynających się od: "v"
1. ventilator turning gear76. viol block
2. venting system77. violent wind
3. Venus78. virgin
4. verge ring79. virtual mass
5. verification of flag80. virtual memory
6. vernal equinox81. virtual pitch
7. vernier82. virtual slip
8. vertex83. visbreaker
9. vertical84. visbroken naphtha
10. vertical axis propeller85. Visby-Rules
11. vertical boiler86. viscometer
12. vertical centre of buoyancy87. viscosity
13. vertical circle88. viscosity breaker
14. vertical clearance89. viscosity index
15. vertical danger angle90. viscous
16. vertical datum plane at the midship section91. viscous resistance
17. vertical force instrument92. vise
18. vertical line93. visibility
19. vertical plate freezer94. visibility exceptional
20. vertical prismatic coefficient95. visibility good
21. vertical stabilizer96. visibility moderate
22. vertical take-off/landing97. visibility poor
23. vertical wall breakwater98. visibility scale
24. vertically sliding bulkhead door99. visibility very good
25. vertically sliding watertight door100. visible horizon
26. vertrep101. visor
27. very close drift-ice102. visual fix
28. very close pack103. visual inspection
29. very good visibility104. visual range
30. very high frequency105. visual scanner
31. very high sea106. visual search
32. Very large crude carrier (VLCC)107. visual signalling
33. Very large crude carrier FRONT CENTURY108. VLCC
34. very large crude oil carrier109. VMS
35. very open pack-ice110. voice frequency
36. very quick flashing111. voice tube
37. very rough sea112. Void space
38. Very Signal113. Voith Schneider tractor tug NANUQ
39. Very's lights114. Voith-Schneider propeller
40. Very's pistol115. volatile
41. vessel116. Volatile organic compound (VOC)
42. vessel "with freeboard"117. Volatile petroleum
43. vessel crossing118. volatility
44. vessel fishing119. volt
45. vessel inward120. voltage
46. vessel leaying121. voltage controller oscillator
47. vessel monitoring system122. voltage drop
48. vessel outward123. voltmeter
49. vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre124. volume
50. vessel sues six feet125. volume coefficient
51. vessel traffic management126. volume of displacement
52. vessel traffic system127. volume of production
53. vessel turning128. Voluminous
54. vessel types129. voluntary stranding
55. VF130. vortex
56. VGO131. vortex system
57. VHF, V.H.F.132. vortex theory of the screw
58. vibrating needle (used by compass adjusters)133. voy.
59. vibration134. voyage
60. vibrational period135. voyage across
61. vibratory horn136. voyage charter
62. vice137. voyage down
63. Victory ship138. voyage down the river
64. victualling bill139. voyage home
65. victualling scale140. voyage out
66. victualling transport141. voyage out and home
67. victuals142. voyage policy
68. video contrast143. voyage up
69. video-gain control144. voyage up the river
70. view145. VRM
71. vigia146. vsl
72. Vigneron Dahl trawl147. VSTOL
73. vimba148. VTOL
74. Vinashin149. VTS
75. vinge trawl150. vulgar establishment of port

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