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  MARITIME MARKET - Editorial programme

Editorial programme for Maritime Market publications 2016

No 1 (55), March - date of publishing: 20.03.2016
- deadline for submission of materials: 20.02.2016
- the issue will be distributed at:
- IEME China (09-12.03.2016, Tianjin, China)
- ASIA PACIFIC MARITIME (APM) (16-18.03.2016, Singapore)

Nr 2 (56), June - date of publishing: 20.06.2016
- deadline for submission of materials: 20.05.2016
- the issue will be distributed at:
- CIPPE (29-31.03.2016, Beijing, China)
- Offshore Patrol Surveillance (19-21.03.2016, Portsmouth, UK)
- CIMPS (11-13.05.2016, Nanjing, China)
- POSIDONIA (06-10.06.2016, Athens, Greece)
- Seawork International (14-16.06.2016, Southampton, UK)

No 3 (57), September - date of publishing: 20.09.2016
- deadline for submission of materials: 20.08.2016
- the issue will be distributed at:
- BALT-MILITARY-EXPO (20-22.06.2016, Gdansk, Poland)
- SMM (06-09.09.2016, Hamburg, Germany)

No 4 (58), December - date of publishing: 20.12.2016
- deadline for submission of materials: 20.11.2016
- the issue will be distributed at:
- OFFSHORE MARINTEC RUSSIA (04-06.10.2016, St.Petersburg, Russia)
- Shiptec China (25-28.10.2016, Dalian, China)
- INMEX China (07-09.12.2016, Guangzhou, China)

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