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Categories Tree: communication

LMS Vistar 2100


LMS Vistar 2100

The LMS Vistar 2100 provides that additional level of comfort to the mariner that low light cameras and the time honored binocular cannot achieve. Request a quote today, and see how inexpensive enhanced visibility can be.
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Litton Marine Systems
1070 Seminole Trail
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Tel: 804-974-2000
Fax: 804-974-2259

Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / gyro compass

SR 2100


SR 2100
The new SR 2100 Fiber-Optic Gyrocompass is the first solid-state, fully electronic digital gyrocompass system for marine application in strapdown technology designed for integrated bridges and advanced high-speed vessels.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / gyro compass

SR 180 MK 1 (Microprocessor Controlled Digital Gyrocompass)


SR 180 MK 1 (Microprocessor Controlled Digital Gyrocompass)
With an eye on the fast approaching shipboard navigation and control system technologies of the 21st century, a new generation of advanced marine gyrocompasses has been created: the SR-180 MK 1.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / gyro compass

DTR 600


DTR 600
Moment to moment, the DTR 600 gives an accurate account of the vessel's movement. It's matrix LED design ensures easy viewing from all directions and heights. Adjustable illumination allows for viewing at full night to daylight bridge conditions. The DTR 600 is lightweight and can be installed in a wide range of locations. It is the #1 choice for steering repeater and heading display applications.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / autopilot

ADG 4000


ADG 4000
With the introduction of the ADG 4000 Self-Tuning Adaptive Autopilot Litton Marine Systems continues its traditional philosophy of autopilots designed with the aim of increasing profits by reducing running costs. The innovative ADG 4000 is the first autopilot which uses Controller Area Network (CAN) technology to control a ship and is capable of tuning itself and adapting automatically to the ship's characteristics and the prevailing weather conditions, thus reducing operational demands and increasing fuel saving.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / autopilot

 LMS 4000


LMS 4000

  • The first main steering system based on Controller Area Network technology
  • Digital communication network results in substantial cost reductions in planning and cabling
  • Operational safety enhanced by providing the operator with much more steering control information
  • Extremely flexible modular CAN system allows installation on all types of ships to all classification society requirements
  • Interfaces to all types of steering gears
  • Steering controls with electric shaft function
  • Simple retrofit of additional steering stands and all individual system unit

Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / autopilot

AP 1500


AP 1500
The AP 1500 is a general-purpose, multifunction, microprocessor controlled autopilot. Created with the most modern computer programs to provide the highest fuel economy and low operational demands, the AP 1500 is suitable for application on all classes of ships ranging from small yachts to the largest supertanker. The very modern design of the control unit includes a tailor-made and clearly laid out transflective liquid crystal display, which permanently indicates all information required by contemporary navigation demands.

Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / radar

 BridgeMaster E Series


BridgeMaster E Series (180, 250 and 340)
The Decca BridgeMaster E series of type approved radars continues the tradition of innovation well established by Decca radars over the last fifty years. BridgeMaster E is designed to offer an unparalleled choice of configurations and options to meet the requirements of every type, size and class of vessel including highspeed craft, whether it is a new build or retrofit.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / radar

 BridgeMaster E Series


BridgeMaster E Series (180, 250 and 340)
The Decca BridgeMaster E series of type approved radars continues the tradition of innovation well established by Decca radars over the last fifty years. BridgeMaster E is designed to offer an unparalleled choice of configurations and options to meet the requirements of every type, size and class of vessel including highspeed craft, whether it is a new build or retrofit.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / voyage data recorder

Voyage Data Recorder - VDR


Voyage Data Recorder - VDR
The LMS Voyage Data Recorder utilizes signal conditioning modules for collecting analog, serial and digital data types, to avoid the many headaches associated with interfacing. Furthermore, the system is comprised of industry standard components that may be easily serviced or repaired anywhere in the world. The system's rugged, industrial hardware combined with fully automated software will ensure you years of un-interrupted and reliable service.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / voyage data recorder

Mission Data Recorder


Mission Data Recorder
The LMS Mission Data Recorder captures operation, navigation, machinery and tactical information, and securely stores it in protected memory and an optional hardened capsule. Commands ashore can now have access to historical shipboard data including radar images, voice from the bridge, CIC and fire control room, as well as all pertinent navigational and performance data. Through the system’s optional remote interrogation facility, accessto this data can be immediate.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / speedlog

SRD 500


SRD 500
The dual - axis doppler speed log SRD 500 is the most accurate speed log in today's market.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: navigation / positioning / speedlog



A three axis speed log that provides Fore-Aft and Port-Starboard speed for surface ships, plus vertical speed for submarines. Measures speeds over ground and through the water more accurately than current standards.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


Categories Tree: propulsion / stabilisers

GYROFIN Stabilisers


GYROFIN Stabilisers
Sperry Marine, a leader in ship stabilisation, introduces the next generation of ship stabilisers that feature a new digital control system, the 'Lift Control' design and upgraded machinery units. We have applied the latest advances in technology to a proven and robust design resulting in a system that truly delivers ship comfort and safety even in the roughest seas.
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Litton Marine Systems
Stueckenstrasse 1, 22081 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone: (49)(40)299000, fax: (49)(40)29900146


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